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Book for Free to Study and Trainig LINUX

Artikel & E-Book di-Copy dari linux-training.be

  • Linux Fundamentals.pdf teaches you the very fundamentals of Linux (or Unix!). This book is for beginners, novices, anyone who wants to become a Linux developer or Linux system administrator. It contains basic knowledge, but advanced users will also benefit from this book.
  • System Administration.pdf teaches you Linux system administration (not Unix). Anything that is related to Linux system management, is introduced in this book.
  • Linux Servers.pdf shows how to setup common services like a web server, a name server, a database server, a dhcp server, a file server and more. You should have studied Linux fundamentals and system administration before starting this book.
  • Linux Storage.pdf explains disk management on Linux in detail and introduces a lot of other storage related technologies.
  • Linux Security.pdf focuses on all topics related to security such as file permissions, acls, SELinux, users and passwords, and more.
  • Linux Networking.pdf (soon) will focus on all things related to Linux in a network.

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Post by : Admin.